With IPerHome, my home is connected to the web.


Access your home system via smartphone, tablet, smart TV and PC, through a simple web interface, regardless of the operating system used. You only need a standard Internet browser.



The advantages:

• Scenarios or single functions can be activated before getting home

• The intrusion alarm status can be checked and any alarms can be received

• Images from internal and external cameras can be viewed in real time

• The household appliances and the climate control system operation can be controlled

• The digital video door phone service is available even from a distance, with IPerVoice



Plug & Play simplicity.


The IPerHome system can be completed with the Basic or Pro Server. Both of them connect the home automation system to the home LAN, to let you control your system from your PC, smartphone, tablet and smart TV. An internet connection will enable the remote control of the system.


Your house at a click of the mouse.


To enable the remote control, you can register a third-level domain namesurname.iperhome.com. By browsing this address, you will access the system and the remote control through a safe and coded connection.
